
A centre is a more or less formal organisation of various actors from various organisations, working in relatively limited field. A centre is often set up to strengthen the development in an area of mutual interest to the parties.

Centre for Digitalisation

The Centre for Digitalisation is an interdisciplinary collaboration platform that has the role of promoting research and education in the field of digitalisation and the university's core areas. The centre is characterised by broad competencies in digitalisation, participation, and innovation capacity. We develop and provide knowledge for students, research groups, individual researchers, and, not least, those active in business and public settings.

The centre develops R&D projects and training programmes; it also contributes to the creation of new research projects, educational programmes, and courses. These, in turn, contribute to the creation of innovative methods, models, and artefacts.

The Centre for Digitalisation also works to collect, create, and communicate new knowledge to researchers, students, and actors in the business and public sector. 

Centre for Digitalisation

Centre for Sustainable Society Development

The Centre for Sustainable Society Development is a multidisciplinary research and collaboration platform where the university meets with actors from business, culture, and the community.

The centre’s primary role is to initiate, support, develop, and coordinate activities that are related to sustainable society-building.

Centre for Sustainable Society Development

Centre for Cultural Policy Research

The Centre for Cultural Policy Research strives to deepen knowledge about the role of cultural policy in society through research. The primary objective with the research is the study and analysis of the relationships between public authorities and other actors to culture and cultural life.

Centre for Cultural Policy Research 

Centre for Welfare Studies

The Centre for Welfare Studies at the University of Borås is focussed on the possibilities and challenges that the modern welfare society faces.

A long-term goal is to contribute to sustainable welfare services. CVS intends to contribute to regional growth through creating knowledge in the welfare sector, developing sustainable and well-functioning welfare models, and informing organisation and leadership.

Centre for Welfare Studies

INCLUDE – Centre for Inclusive Studies

With the broader ambition of Equal Opportunities for All, the Centre for Inclusive studies aims to promote and enable research and innovation that relate to issues of Inclusion, Participation, Accessibility, and Equality.

INCLUDE – Centre for Inclusive Studies

PreHospen – Centre for Prehospital Research

Research is conducted in national and international collaboration at PreHospen. The integration of both research and clinical practice makes PreHospen a unique asset for researchers and doctoral students as well as professionals.
