Marita Cronqvist
Docent Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT (including The Swedish School of Library and Information Science)
— Department of Educational Work
I am a Docent of Pedagogical Work and have worked at the University of Borås since 2008. My research areas are primarily future teachers' professional ethics and how students learn to take ethical responsibility in education. A didactic tool, Didetik, which draws attention to the ethical dimensions of teaching, has been developed based on research. The development of ethical leadership is investigated by combining didactics and digital tools in students' videopapers (reflections on recorded teaching). The research is largely conducted in the field of teacher training.
Other areas covered in different studies are the importance of the body and emotions in teaching and learning. Methodologically, my research is primarily phenomenological with a basis in life world theory.
Researcher's publications in DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet)
Doctoral thesis title
Professional ethics in teacher education - a balancing art