Microsoft Teams

Overview of Microsoft 365 at University of Borås:

In Teams, you can create specific groups (teams) to a project or workgroup. In the team, the group can share files and collaborate in real time.

It is important that you read the University's guidelines below for how Teams may be used. Below you also find a quick guide on how to get started with Teams.

You can also get the full range of guides and how teams work via Microsoft's video training (external link).

Guidelines for using Teams

Roles and responsibilities

Processing/storage of information

Deletion of inactive teams

Startup guide

Windows 10



Mobile Device

Get started with Teams

Create a chat

Create a meeting

Schedule a meeting

Collaborative space / team in Teams

What to think about when creating a team

Creating a team

Create a channel in a team

Add a member to a team

Upload files in a team


I don't get any notifications in my team?