BHS-seminariet | Digital Secrecy - Public Ignorance

Welcome to this SSLIS seminar, where Charina Knutson (Linnaeus University) presents her research.

Sammanfattning (engelska): Information on archaeological and historical sites in Sweden is today publicly available on the website Fornsök. To an Indigenous people, open access to this information can be sensitive and problematic. Comparing Sweden, Norway and British Columbia, this lecture argues that digital secrecy can help protect Indigenous heritage, but also hinder knowledge production and dissemination.

Charina Knutson is a Senior Curator at Jamtli. She is also a PhD student in archaeology, and part of GRASCA, Graduate School in Contract Archaeology, at the Linnaeus University. Her research concerns Indigenous heritage management with a special focus on commercial archaeology.

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Språk: Engelska

Chair: Sofia Lindström Sol