Skriva mejl på engelska

Uttala en mejladress


  • Hälsning
  • Syfte
  • Fråga (om du har någon)
  • Tack
  • Avslutning

Formellt eller informellt?

  • Engelska kan vara mer eller mindre formellt eller informellt. Generellt sett är engelskan mer formell än svenskan. 
  • Välj om det passar bäst att vara formell eller informell beroende på din roll som avsändare och innehåll, kontext och mottagare. 
  • Mejl tenderar att vara mer informella än pappersbaserad kommunikation, men om du tvekar, gå hellre åt det mer formella hållet. 
  • Om flera alternativ anges på denna sida så är listan rangordnad i fallande skala (från mer formellt till mindre formellt).

Var mer formell när du skriver:

  • i officiell egenskap
  • om allvarliga frågor
  • till en okänd mottagare eller någon du inte känner 

Var mer informell när du skriver:

  • om mindre allvarliga frågor
  • till en person du känner

Formella och informella verb




Ask for/


Ask Reception for a map.

Request a map at Reception.

Find out/


When did you find out about this error?

When did you discover this error?

Go up/


The cost of student housing has gone up by 10% this year.

The cost of student housing has increased by 10% this year.

Go down/


The number of applicants has gone down.

The number of applicants has decreased.



How can I help you?

How can I assist you?


  • Undvika att låta negativ, särskilt i ärenderaden 
    • Latest version was not good enough
    • Changes to be made in the latest version
  • Lägg inte skuld på mottagaren 
    • Använd passivt tilltal och ersätt användningen av “you” med “the.”
    • You failed to submit your assignment on time.
    • The assignment was not submitted on time.
  • Undvik överdriven användning av skiljetecken, ok???!!!


Mejl på 75-100 ord har visat sig få den bästa svarsfrekvensen. 


Mer formellt:

  • Dear Mr/Ms/Dr/Professor [efternamn] (brittisk)
  • Dear Mr./Ms./Dr./Professor [efternamn], (amerikansk)
  • Mr/Ms/Dr/Professor [efternamn] (brittisk)
  • Mr./Ms./Dr./Professor [efternamn], (amerikansk)
  • Dear [förnamn och efternamn],
  • To the [avdelning] at [X universitet],
  • Dear staff at [avdelning och företag],
  • Dear [förnamn],
  • Dear all,
  • Greetings [förnamn],
  • [Förnamn och efternamn]
  • [Förnamn],
  • Hello [förnamn],
  • Hello,

Mindre formellt:

  • Greetings!
  • Hi [förnamn],
  • Hi, how are you?
  • Hello!
  • Hello, [förnamn]!

Väldigt informellt:

  • Hi, everyone!
  • Hi [förnamn]!
  • Hello again!

Använd inte "To whom it may concern" och "Hey."

Trevliga saker att skriva om du känner mottagaren

  • Hope all is well with you!
  • I hope you’re doing well.
  • I know you’re swamped/busy, so I’ll be brief.


En nyckelfras är "I am writing to..."

  • I am writing to…


    • respond to your request to...
    • clarify that…
    • confirm that…
    • ask for further details about...
    • ask you about…
    • follow up on…
    • update you that…
    • answer your question about…
    • remind you about…
    • let you know that... 
    • say thank you for…
    • send you a quick note about…

Fler användbara fraser:

  • This is to inform you that…
  • [Gemensam kontakt/bekant] recommended I get in touch with you and…
  • I’m reaching out about…
  • Please note that…
  • As promised, I’m…
  • Just a friendly reminder that…
  • Just a quick update/heads-up that…

Om du vill få mottagaren att svara dig eller göra någonting specifikt 

En nyckelfras är "Please let me know."

Mer formellt:

  • Starkare:
    • Can you please let me know___ by [dag eller datum och månad]?
    • Please confirm if would like me to [göra någonting]?
    • Can you send ___ to me by [dag eller datum och månad], please?
  • Mjukare:
    • I look forward to hearing from you/to your reply.
    • It would be very helpful if you could give me your feedback about___
    • I am afraid I need some additional information from you. Please send me___.

Mindre formellt:

  • Starkare:
    • Could you please let me know ___/[göra någonting] as soon as possible?
    • Could you [göra någonting], please?
    • I’m very happy to help, but to do so I need ___ from you by [dag eller datum och månad] at the latest.
  • Mjukare:
    • If you could ___, that would be great.
    • I’d appreciate it if you could __
    • When you have a moment, I’d like to know (more) about __
    • Please get/keep in touch/keep me posted.
    • I look forward to hearing from you.
    • I look forward to your reply.
    • Please let me know if this works/if you are available/if that sounds good/if you can__/if you can help/if you need to reschedule.

Påminnelser och förtydliganden

  • Just checking in.
  • Per my last email,
  • As stated below,
  • Sorry if it was unclear,

Om du vill att mottagaren ska kontakta dig ifall hen behöver någonting

Mer formellt:

  • Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
  • If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know.

Mindre formellt:

  • Let me know if you need anything else.
  • Just get in touch if you have any more questions/need anything else.

Om du vill förmedla till mottagaren att hen inte behöver svara på mejlet

Mer formellt:

  • We hope you find this information satisfactory.
  • I appreciate your getting in touch with me.

Mindre formellt:

  • Thanks for letting me know.
  • I hope this answers your question.

Bilagor och länkar

Mer formellt:

  • Please find attached…
  • I’ve attached [bilagans namn] for your review.
  • Could you please sign/review the attached document and send it back by [datum och månad]?
  • Please see the information below for more details about…
  • Here’s the document you asked for/we discussed.
  • More information is available at [webbsidan].

Mindre formellt:

  • I’ve attached…
  • I’m attaching…
  • I’m sending you [bilagans namn] as a PDF file.
  • You can see more info about this on this [webbsidan].

Om du glömde att bifoga något

Mer formellt:

  • Our sincere apologies; please find your certificate attached.
  • My apologies as I did not include the attachment with my previous email.

Mindre formellt:

  • Sorry! I forgot to attach the file in my last email.
  • It looks like I forgot to include the attachment, so here it is!

Ge dåliga nyheter eller berätta för mottagaren att hen har fel eller inte kan/får göra något

  • Starkare:
    • This is to let you know that we have had to cancel/postpone/reject…
    • As per our guidelines/regulations/policy, it is not possible to…
    • After review, we regret to tell/inform you…
    • After careful consideration, we have decided (not) to…
    • Despite our best efforts…
  • Mjukare:
    • Unfortunately, it’s not possible to…
    • We are sorry; however,…
    • I am afraid there might have been a slight miscommunication and…
    • Due to unavoidable circumstances, there will be a (slight) delay/change…

Mindre formellt:

  • Starkare:
    • Unfortunately, that’s not possible/the case, but as an alternative…
    • I’m writing to let you know that ___ is unfortunately cancelled/delayed/not doable…
    • I am afraid that it will take a little longer to…
    • Moving forward…
  • Mjukare:
    • I’m sorry, but…
    • Sorry about this.

Ge goda nyheter

Mer formellt:

  • I am/We are pleased to inform you…

Mindre formellt:

  • I’m happy to tell you…
  • You’ll be happy to hear that…
  • Good news!

Vanliga förkortningar

  • ASAP: As Soon As Possible
  • BTW: By The Way
  • FYI: For Your Information
  • TIA: Thanks In Advance

Behöver du vidarebefordra mejlet?

I'm afraid that I’m not quite the right person to answer your question. However, I will forward your question to the relevant administrator/department and I am sure that he/she/they will respond to this issue as soon as possible. Thank you for getting in touch!

Kan inte svara direkt?

Mer formellt:

  • We will respond to your email as soon as possible.
  • I will confer with my colleagues and get back to you as soon as possible.

Mindre formellt:

  • I have to look into that but I will get back to you as soon as I can.
  • I’ll get back to you ASAP.



Thank you for your email.

I am [REASON YOU ARE UNAVAILABLE] from # Month 2021 until # Month 2021*.

During that time, I will have  [LIMITED/INFREQUENT/NO] access to my email. I will reply to your message as soon as I can.

If you require immediate assistance, please contact [NAME/DEPARTMENT] at [EMAIL]. 


*Om du bara är otillgänglig under en enda dag, skriv: I am [REASON YOU ARE UNAVAILABLE] on # Month 2021.

Orsakerna till varför du inte är tillgänglig kan vara…

  • out of the office
  • unavailable
  • on parental leave
  • taking care of family/personal matters
  • on holiday [brittisk engelska]
  • on vacation [amerikansk engelska]
  • taking some time off
  • on sick leave
  • on leave
  • on short-term leave
  • on long-term leave
  • attending a conference/work event/day-long meeting
  • focusing on specific work tasks
  • focusing on writing/research/teaching

Knepiga vanliga fraser

Vi kan väl ses på en fika någon gång.

We should have a cup of coffee sometime.

Jag är föräldraledig.

I am on parental leave.

Jag jobbar inte i morgon. Det är min tur att vabba.

I won’t be at work tomorrow as it is my turn to take care of my child who is (a bit) ill/sick/under the weather.


Nu blev det lite dumt/knasigt.

Something went a bit wrong.

Hur mycket är lagom?

How much is the right amount/just right?

Jag hinner inte i veckan.

I won’t have time this week.

Vad tråkigt!

How unfortunate!/Too bad!

Trivs du med din nya tjänst?

How are you liking your new job?

Tack och lov!

Thank goodness.

Vad kul/ bra!

How fun/nice!

Vad härligt!

How delightful/lovely!

Det är lugnt.

It’s okay.

Vi hörs.

Let’s keep/get in touch.

Nu är jag tillbaka efter helgerna.

I'm back now after the holidays.

Det var ett roligt misstag

That was a funny mistake.

Det är en rolig utbildning.

It is a fun educational programme.


En nyckelfras är "thank you for your...".

Mer formellt:

  • I appreciate your taking the time to write.
  • Thank you for getting in touch with me.
  • Thank you for your…
    • interest
    • email
    • question
    • time
    • understanding
    • patience
    • feedback
    • suggestion
    • help
    • cooperation in this matter
    • attention to this matter
    • swift response

Mindre formellt:

  • Thanks for your time/cooperation!
  • Thanks for letting me know.
  • Thanks so much!
  • Thanks in advance!
  • Thanks!


Mer formellt:

  • Sincerely,
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Regards,
  • With kind regards,

Mindre formellt:

  • Best/Warm regards,
  • All the best,
  • Best,
  • See you (soon),
  • Take care,
  • Bye for now!
  • Cheers
  • Thanks again!
  • Stay safe [in times of crisis]
  • Hope this helps.

Stavningskontroll på engelska i Outlook

  • Granska/Review
  • Språk/Language
  • Ange redigeringsspråk/Set Proofing Language
  • Engelska (Storbritannien)/English (United Kingdom)
  • Stavning och grammatik/Spelling & Grammar

Tips om du vill kontrollera ditt skrivande

  • is a tool with a (limited) free version that can help improve the several types of errors, improper writing style, and plagiarism.
  • Try a concordance to see how specific words or phrases are used, e.g. Compleat Lexical Tutor, Web Concordance– English, and Select a relevant corpus, e.g. Brown + BNC Written
  • Google specific phrases with quotation marks and see how frequently they are used. This is especially useful if you are trying to decide between two different ways to write something.
  • Use Google Translate to translate from English to Swedish to help see if you missed any important words—or misspelled something!

Examinations- och undervisningsfraser


degree project


doctoral studies/programme




Bachelor’s level


group work


take-home examination




written assignment


laboratory session


intended learning outcomes


Master’s level

muntlig tentamen

oral examination


re-take examination


written examination on campus



skriftlig individuell tentamen

written individual examination

skriftligt prov på tid

written exam with a time limit




examination period


examination supervisor




forms of teaching


academic paper

VG (Väl godkänd)

Pass with distinction

G (Godkänd)


U (Underkänd)


Terminologi och skrivresurser

Tips! För en mer omfattande svensk-engelsk ordlista med ord relevanta för högskolevärlden (i Excel-format), mejla

Frågor? Kontaktuppgifter till Eva Medin.