Handelsgruppen hälsar tre doktorander välkomna som nya medlemmar i gruppen

Patrik Stoopendahl is an industrial PhD-student in Textile Management at INSiDR and holds a MsC in Business and Organizational Anthropology from Copenhagen University. Before joining the industrial graduate school he spent five years working in the insight industry with clients such as Lindex, IKEA, Länsförsäkringar & Skandia. As an anthropologist he uses ethnography to interpret and articulate the direction of the consumer culture. His passion is centered on revealing what goes on in consumers’ everyday lives in relation to the fashion retailing industry, as both are increasingly digitized. An ongoing project is called: "Fashion Retailing, Augmented Reality and Value – An emerging landscape".

Reneé Säverot is an Industrial PhD-student at INSiDR, which is a Graduate School with the purpose to provide Swedish companies in the retail industry with knowledge and competences that will enhance their competitiveness in a market where digitalization has a profound impact. Here time is shared between INSiDR and the Swedish fashion retailer Gina Tricot AB where she is employed as a Business Developer. Her PhD project, focusing on fashion retail, highlights two of the increasingly important questions in management teams today: 1) How can companies be relevant for their customers in every step of the customer journey? 2) How can companies connect with their customers on a new level through enhancing the customer experience?

Anna-Maria Petismes doktorandprojekt ”Reducing superfluous returns – the creation of sustainable e-business” handlar om att undersöka möjligheter att minska returerna inom svensk modeindustris e-handel. Det är ett växande problem med de ökande returerna och hon kommer att undersöka hur företagens hållbarhet påverkas av detta samt om det finns ny digital teknik för företag att använda sig av som kan understödja en reducering av antalet returer.  I dag returnerat i snitt 22 % av alla kläder som köps online i Sverige men andelen varierar mellan 18-60 %.