Maria Wolmesjö
Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare
— Department of Work Life and Social Welfare
I am a Professor of Social Work at the Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare within the field of value based leadership in social care where I focus on first line managers preconditions in how to handle ethical dilemmas. I have worked with a national course, managed by the National Board of Health and Welfare and organized through the University of Borås since 2013 and started to work full time here in 2016. Before that, I was at the University of Linköping. Research projects I participate in, or are responsible of are: a project on “Value based leadership in care of older persons”, financed by the University of Borås and a project on “The mixed care giving situation – in groups with other ethnic background than Swedish”, financed by Norrköpingsfonden, Linköping University.
Principal Supervisor for the following doctoral students
Researcher's publications in DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet)
Doctoral thesis title
Ledningsfunktion i omvandling. Om förändringar av yrkesrollen för första linjens chefer inom den kommunala äldre- och handikappomsorgen. (Summary in English).