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Titel och författare |
Local information in Thailand: An activity theory analysis of the Provincial University Library Network’s (PULINET) Local Information Working Group
Pussadee Nonthacumjane - 2024
Winding paths to species reports: Information practices in biodiversity citizen science
Björn Ekström - 2024
Material awareness: Exploring the Entanglement of Library Digitization and Digital Textual Scholarship
Merisa Martinez - 2024
Everyday Life Information Practice – Affordances and Strategies within a Facebook Group
Ameera Mansour - 2024
Över djupen mot höjden – en biografi över Oskar II:s bibliotek
Arvid Jakobsson - 2023
Att ta plats och göra skillnad : skolbibliotekariepraktiker i framgångsrika verksamheter
Ulrika Centerwall - 2022
Barnbiblioteket tar form : En idéanalytisk studie av perioden 1945–2018
Catarina Eriksson - 2022
SOUND READING : Exploring and conceptualising audiobook practices among young adults
Elisa Tattersall Wallin - 2021
Academic librarianship in flux : The dynamics of negotiating professional jurisdiction
Pieta Eklund - 2022
Var(a) snäll och gilla: Medforskning med unga om identitet och sociala medier
Amira Sofie Sandin - 2021
Merger and management: University of Rwanda libraries in a transitional context
Berthilde Uwamwezi - 2020
Enterprise Social Media in Project-based Knowledge Work: A contextualized view through the lens of activity theory
Emma Forsgren - 2018
Selling and lending e-books: Changes in the Swedish literary field
Birgitta Wallin - 2018
The theory of mitigating risk: Information literacy and language-learning in transition
Alison Hicks - 2018
Borrowing and lending tools: The materiality of x-lending libraries
Jonas Söderholm - 2018
Samhällets allt-i-allo?: Om folkbibliotekens sociala legitimitet
Katarina Michnik - 2018
Cloudy talks: Exploring accounts about cloud computing
Maria Lindh - 2017
Following Tweets Around: Informetric methodology for the Twittersphere
David Gunnarsson Lorentzen - 2016
With or without context: Automatic text categorization using semantic kernels
Johan Eklund - 2016
How reproductive is a reproduction?: Digital transmission of text-based documents
Lars Björk - 2015
Att bli bibliotekarie: Informationssökning och yrkesidentiteter hos B&I-studenter och nyanställda högskolebibliotekarier
Jenny Lindberg - 2015
Facilitating collaboration: exploring a socio-technical approach to the design of a collaboratory for Library and Information Science
Monica Lassi - 2014
In a world of values and views: Information and learning activities in a military setting
Karin Dessne - 2014
Design researchers' information sharing: the enactment of a discipline
Ola Pilerot - 2014
Betydelsen av kvalitet: en studie av diskursen om statens stöd till ny, svensk skönlitteratur 1975-2009
Linnéa Lindsköld - 2013
Emergency visualized: exploring visual technology for paramedic-physician collaboration in emergency care
Hanna Maurin Söderholm - 2013
A time and place for everything?: social visualisation tools and critical literacies
Veronica Johansson - 2012
Physicians‟ information practices: a case study of a medical team at a Teaching Hospital
Esther Ebole Isah - 2012
Det läsande barnet: minnen av läspraktiker, 1900–1940
Mats Dolatkhah - 2011
Doing research in primary school: information activities in project-based learning
Anna Lundh - 2011
Classification along genre dimensions: exploring a multidisciplinary problem
Mikael Gunnarsson - 2011
Taken for Granted: The Construction of Order in the Process of Library Management System Decision Making
Nasrine Olson - 2010
Actors in Collaboration: Sociotechnical Influence on Practice-Research Collaboration
Marisa Ponti - 2010
Verktyg för lärande: Informationssökning och informationsanvändning i kommunal vuxenutbildning
Cecilia Gärdén - 2010
The National Library of Uganda: its inception, challenges and prospects, 1997-2007
Jane Kawalya - 2009